Forgive But Should You Forget

Omar Suleiman show

Summary: Jummah Khutbah at the Valley Ranch Islamic Center - Forgive But Should You Forget? Knowing When To Give A Second Chance.<br> <br> Sheikh Omar Suleiman deals with this very important issue - to forgive or not? <br> <br> Grudges, slights, stab in the backs these days, as in the bygone days, leads to generations of feuding. More so today when life and living has become complicated and confusing. The rat race too hasn't helped ease things. People are in a constant state of stress. Anger and frustration are always in the forefront of  the madness of survival. <br> <br> Disputes arise in many situations - family, friends, business. Worse when family mashes with business. These can lead to the worst fights and are practically impossible to repair.<br> <br> So what do you do when Allah has forbidden breaking ties? How do you manage the situation so some semblance of harmony, of a truce may be achieved? <br> <br> Pay heed to our Sheikh as he walks you through incidents from the Seerah that address these specific circumstances, guiding you to achieve that peace of mind and tranquility we all seek in the face of betrayal by others we trusted and believed sincere.