Robert Bonomo on how 9-11 Truthers defeated Hillary |336|

Skeptiko – Science at the Tipping Point show

Summary: <a href=""></a><br> Robert Bonomo is a Gnostic 9-11 Truther who reads Tarot and writes for “deplorable” websites — my kind of alt-media journalist.<a href=""></a><br> photo by: Skeptiko<br> Alex Tsakiris: Today’s guest is a blogger, novelist, a anarcho-capitalist—we’ll have to ask him about that one— and a part-time Tarot reader with a Gnostic bent… sounds like a great Skeptiko guest already, hey?<br> Now, if you visit Robert Bonomo’s excellent website, <a href="">The Cactus Land</a>, you’ll be introduced to the wide ranging interest he has and a lot of his writings, which we’re going to talk about today, but you won’t quite be prepared for today’s interview because we are going to take it in a slightly different direction….<br> Alex Tsakiris: …I mean, for people who weren’t following it, or are outside the United States, this was not an election of Donald Trump, this was a repudiation of Hillary Clinton and The Establishment…<br> Robert Bonomo: Oh, yeah. I think totally, it was a vote against mainstream media. It was a vote for a lot of skeptical views, even conspiracy views.<br> Alex Tsakiris: Exactly.<br> Robert Bonomo: How many Trump voters do you think are skeptical of the official version of 9/11, for example? Something nobody talks about. Nobody talks about that.<br> <br> <a href="">Click here for forum discussion</a><br> <a href="">Click here for Robert’s website</a><br> Call Skeptiko (858) 876-4505<br> <br> Read Excerpts:<br> Alex Tsakiris: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>Today’s guest is a blogger, novelist, an Anarcho-capitalist—we’ll have to ask him about that one—and a part-time Tarot reader with a Gnostic bent… sounds like a great Skeptiko guess already, hey?<br> Now, if you visit Robert Bonomo’s excellent website, <a href="">The Cactus Land</a>, you’ll be introduced to the wide ranging interest he has and a lot of his writings, which we’re going to talk about today, but you won’t quite be prepared for today’s interview because we are going to take it in a slightly different direction. But, more on that in one second.<br> First off, Robert, welcome to Skeptiko. Thanks so much for joining me.<br> Robert Bonomo: Oh, hi Alex. It’s great to be on the show. I’m a big fan.<br> Alex Tsakiris: Well, thanks. I think we’re going to have an interesting discussion because as I just mentioned a minute ago, we scheduled this interview a little while ago, and I wasn’t really thinking about politics and current events when I did it, but then as the whole world knows, we had this kind of stunning presidential election here in the U.S. — stunning, no matter what you thought of it, good or bad. And then I started digging into some of the stuff you’ve written and I thought, “Wow. Here’s an opportunity to talk about this election, this historic election, in some new and different ways that I haven’t really heard anyone else talk about.” So, at the last minute I said, “Hey, Robert, do you want to do this kind of election political thing? And I’m not really exactly sure it’s going to go.” And you’re totally down with it, so that’s great. <br> Robert Bonomo: Yeah, I mean, this election was just fascinating. I mean, it was fun too. I have to say I enjoyed it. I really did enjoy it. A lot of people complained, but I think it’s a key moment in our history, that election night.<br> Alex Tsakiris: I agree. And before I get into that,