Jim Marrs is not a Scientologist |340|

Skeptiko – Science at the Tipping Point show

Summary: <a href="http://skeptiko.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/please-share-skeptiko3.jpg"></a><br> Jim Marrs is a top-notch investigative journalist, so what’s he doing promoting L. Ron Hubbard’s Battlefield Earth?<br><br> <a href="http://skeptiko.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/jim-marrs-skeptiko.jpg"></a><br> photo by: Galaxy Press<br> On this episode of Skeptiko…<br> Alex Tsakiris: There are a lot of people scratching their heads saying, “What the heck is Jim Marrs doing getting in bed with those Scientologists?”<br> Jim Marrs: I am not a Scientologist, and I’m not going to be a Scientologist.<br> (re: Jim’s still evolving investigation of the John F. Kennedy assassination)<br> Jim Marrs: I get people all the time that say, “Will we ever know the truth about the Kennedy assassination?” and I try to explain to them that that’s not really what they’re asking. What they’re truly asking is, “Will there come a day when some government official will get up at a press conference, before all of the mass media, and say, “Okay, okay, alright, here, we’ve lied to you for 70 years but here’s the real truth, and we’re going to lay it all out here,” and no, that ain’t going to happen.<br> (re: Jim’s investigation of the U.S. psychic spying program)<br> Alex Tsakiris: One thing that kind of irks me is, the narrative that gets played out is, “Oh, this was all just kind of normal defense intelligence stuff… we had to do it because them darn Russkies were doing it, and we had to have a leg-up on them,” which there is some truth to. I mean, clearly the Russians were involved in this, but it does seem also like we were using that as an excuse.<br> Jim Marrs: Yeah absolutely, that’s a lot of facile rationalization. I think the reality of it was, it was the people who actually knew what was going on and saw the positive results from the remote viewing. I mean, who doesn’t want somebody around who can tell them what’s happening on the other side of the world?<br> <a href="http://www.skeptiko-forum.com/threads/skeptiko-roundtable-with-seriah-and-joshua-from-wheredidtheroadgo-339.3627/">Click here for forum discussion</a><br> <a href="http://jimmarrs.com/">Click here for the JimMarrs.com website</a><br> Call Skeptiko (858) 876-4505<br> <br> Read Excerpts:<br><br> <br><br> <a href="http://www.skeptiko-forum.com/threads/skeptiko-roundtable-with-seriah-and-joshua-from-wheredidtheroadgo-339.3627/" target="_blank"></a>Alex Tsakiris: No one looks at those pictures and says, “Oh gee, that darn Lee Harvey Oswald fellow, I’m still so mad about that.” <br> Jim Marrs: That’s right.<br> Alex Tsakiris: What they think about is, “Something went on there that is totally against our values, is totally against everything America stands for.” Do you think we as a country, are ready to accept that history, that alternative history that you’ve been so much a part of documenting?<br> Jim Marrs: Yes, I think so and I think we’ve all matured and we’re more sophisticated and we understand. You know, you go back to <a href="http://spartacus-educational.com/USAmccloyJ.htm">John Jay McCloy</a> who goes all the way back. In 1936 he sat with Hitler in his box at the 1936 Olympics and was CEO of City National Bank, which is now City Corp and was the largest lender of money to Hitler and the Nazis, okay? <br> Then at the end of the war somehow, he becomes the High Commissioner of Germany and was instrumental in bringing all of these Nazis over here to the United States where his protégé, <a href="http://spartacus-educational.com/USAdullesA.htm">Allen Dulles</a>, had become head of the CIA and whitewashed their pro-Nazi backgrounds and called them anti-Nazis and rolled them into our military industrial complex.<br> Then he sits on the Warren Commission to determine what happened to Kennedy and then one of the very early meetings, before they have really even gotten into a real investigation,