Jerry Bowyer: The Impeachment Crusade Is Costly

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Over the past six weeks or so, there has been a steady drumbeat of impeachment talk from the elite press and the opposition party. As a result: • Google searches on “impeachment” have spiked by 1,200 percent per day. • London odds makers have raised the odds that Trump will not finish out his term by 21 percent. • And the stock market? The seven weeks after Trump was elected, markets exploded upward 8.3 percent. But in the same period of time after the impeachment push, it has gone up by only 1 ½ percent. There is little doubt that the effort to keep impeachment on the table is hurting markets, which means it’s hurting retirements, pensions and college savings programs. If there were proof of wrongdoing, then of course, justice counts more than money. But Americans should not be forced to endure even more economic stagnation for the sake of scoring higher ratings and political points by the Trump opposition. Simply put: The impeachment crusade is costing you money.