THR 7/15/17: A Prime Opportunity for the Ages: Trump's Promise to Repeal and Replace Obamacare

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Hugh Hewitt interviews Politico’s Senior Washington Correspondent Anna Palmer about the Donald Trump Jr. email exchange with a Russian lawyer. Dennis Prager offers his insight into the Russian collusion controversy. Mike Gallagher invites Senator Ted Cruz to talk about the promise President Trump made to repeal and replace Obamacare and how this is a prime opportunity for the ages. Hugh Hewitt also asks Senator Tom Cotton about the likelihood of the Republican healthcare bill passing in the Senate. Michael Medved laments the Oregon push to legalize deadly drugs like heroin and ecstasy. Mike Gallagher interviews Heather MacDonald, author of The War on Cops, about how cop hatred led to the assassination of a forty-eight year old mother of three. In response to a Cornell University study, Larry Elder shares a story about his father working in the food industry and how certain demographics leave better tips than others.