Hugh Hewitt: A Fighter And A Patriot

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Late last week we got the sad news that Senator John McCain has been diagnosed with a brain tumor—a malignant brain tumor. I’ve been in this business a long time and it’s hard to remember a story about the U.S. Senate without McCain being a part of it. Since 1987, he has always been there and has always been part of the debate. All of those who get the fact that American politics is a team sport have been frustrated with John McCain at one time or another, disappointed with him occasionally. But there’s no doubt that Senator McCain is a great American; a man of conviction; a patriot. He’s been a Congressman, a Senator and the GOP nominee for President. Before all that, though, Lt. Commander McCain served our nation in Vietnam as a Navy fighter pilot. He was shot down in October of ’67—only to suffer then 5 ½ years in captivity and never give in. John McCain is a fighter. Won’t you join me in hoping—and praying—that John McCain can fight back this round cancer and continue his service to the nation?