Amazing Things Happen When You Go Outdoors & What to Say in an Argument (So You Don’t Regret It Later)

Something You Should Know show

Summary: People in western countries smile a lot. For example, we smile at people on the street for no real reason. In many other countries, all this smiling could get you in trouble. I’ll explain. Then, we explore the benefits of just being out in nature. Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods ( and Vitamin N ( reveals the incredible – and scientifically proven – things that happen to both children and adults both physically and mentally. Also, the power of touch is something people talk about – but what is it really? Does human touching really do anything beneficial? And we explore the problem of what to say in an argument. Often we say the wrong thing in the heat of the moment and come to regret it. What is the right thing to say? Psychotherapist Carl Alasko, author of Say This Not That (, offers his 5 rules for arguing that you will want to remember.