Healthcare and Activism with Special Guest Emily Ellsworth

Episodes show

Summary: While Sarah enjoys time away with family, former Congressional staffer and writer Emily Ellsworth joins Beth to discuss the news of the week and effectively contacting your representatives. Come see us in Nashville for our first ever live podcast as part of redpepper's Hustle and Grow series. Tickets are on sale now! Thanks so much to our sponsor for this episode: Virtue Labs is a new haircare brand with a vision to give everyone the best hair scientifically possible. Six years ago, a group of bio scientists working in restorative medicine discovered an incredible new protein called Alpha Keratin 60ku, which has the power to completely transform your hair. Alpha Keratin 60ku is a whole, human protein that’s identical to the Keratin in your own hair, so it can resurface and fill in cracks from damage to change your hair’s quality and appearance forever. And, right now, you can only find it in Virtue Labs’s line of shampoos, conditioners, and styling products. Not to mention, each formula was created to address specific issues like heat damage, frizz, or thinning hair. That means more bounce, more shine, more strength, and more life for your hair. Visit Virtue Labs and use the code PANTSUIT for 10% off and free shipping. The Pearls We discuss the Senate's failure to pass a repeal or replacement of the Affordable Care Act, including the valiant efforts of Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski. We also talk about Reince Preibus's departure from the White House and the President's appointment of John Kelly as the new Chief of Staff. To compliment the other side, Beth highlights the work of Take Back Our Republic, and Emily compliments Chuck Schumer. The Suit We discuss Emily's viral tweetstorm and Call the Halls: Contacting Your Representatives the Smart Way. The Heel Since we're both introverts, we discuss the introversion, the internet, public service, and the importance of our extroverted friends. Thank you to Nicholas, Tracey, Leslie, and Sabrina. Please visit Patreon to support Pantsuit Politics and to receive all kinds of bonus content.