Secret Tumblrs! Trans ban, Beiber, Beyonce, Usher, Sharknado, Star Trek, Stranger Things, Justice League, Wonder Woman

The RichyRich and Westopher Show show

Summary: In this episode we ask: Do You Have A Secret Sexy Tumblr? Topics this week: Shoutouts! Xochi. UP FRONT: Trans Ban. *God loves you unconditionally, but only under these special circumstances* CELEBRITY SHADE: Justin Bieber. Beyoncé sued by gay rapper who died. Usher sued for herpes. Princess Diaries 3?? Sharknado 5?? NERD NEWS: iPod nano and shuffle officially discontinued. Liev Shreiber's son dresses as Harley Quinn at comic con. Anthony Rapp will play gay couple with Wilson Cruz in Stsr Trek Discovery. Stranger Things season 2 trailer. Superman's stache woes. Wonder Woman release date December 13, 2019. Hate/Love? RR: Facebook argument over racism/Keenan Thompson. W: My damn curtains/Happy clients.