Rev VR Podcast (Ep. 146): An Evening With TPCast

Rev VR Podcast show

Summary: Last Friday, I was invited to a demo party at the SURF Incubator here in Seattle, WA to check out the TPCast hardware. In case you aren't aware, TPCast is a wireless solution for virtual reality HMDs, such as the HTC Vive. I was asked to show up early to interview the top execs at TPCast and get some answers about how their hardware works, and how it will solve one of VR's most annoying problems... the cable. After the interview, I had a chance to try out TPCast for myself, and had a great time playing Space Pirate Trainer and Holopoint. Both experiences showed zero additional latency, and other than a quick blip of blue screen, the TPCast seemed to work exactly as they described. Thanks to the folks at TPCast for taking the time to talk to me. I look forward to grabbing a TPCast kit myself and untethering my HMDs.