7/10/17-Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Instead of the story that Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer one time several months ago, today’s major story should be a report signifying that more than half of James Comey’s leaked memos about President Trump contained classified information.If the report is true that would mean Comey disregarded the same security protocol he publicly criticized Hillary Clinton over during the 2016 election. Comey’s behavior is absolutely contemptible and must be subjected to an investigation. In addition, we are all supposed to be stunned that Donald Trump Jr. had a meeting with a Russian lawyer. If you follow the leftist media , you would think Trump Jr. was Alger Hiss, Ted Kennedy or the Rosenbergs who were all Democrats. Trump Jr. did nothing wrong and the optics of it are irrelevant. After that, President Trump pressed Putin on Russian hacking for 40 minutes, which was 39 minutes and 58 seconds more than Barack Obama did. All that Obama did to Putin was to say, “cut it out”. Later, the biggest lie in modern American history is perpetrated by the Republican Party. They promised that they would completely repeal Obamacare. These senators like Mitch McConnell and Susan Collins are not beholden to their constituents, they are independent actors. Now because of progressive Republicans like McConnell and Paul Ryan, we are going to have government run healthcare from top to bottom. They could send Trump the same repeal bill they sent Obama, but they will not do it because they are liars and progressives.