SGJ Podcast #214 – Space Impossible

Space Game Junkie Podcast show

Summary: Welcome to this episode of the Space Game Junkie Podcast, my friends! This week, <a href="">Jim</a>, <a href="">Hunter</a>, Spaz and I get up at 6 AM Pacific time to talk to Eric “RexSpaceman” Flynn and Shaun “Stuffie” Hutchinson, creator and co-creator respectfully of the co-op miney, shootey, buildy, craftey warpey space game, <a href="">Space Impossible</a>! We have a fun discussion about Unity (and why it gets a bad reputation), early access, community feedback, implementing multiplayer and much more. It’s a really, really fun discussion, and we hope you enjoy it.<br> The next two weeks will be reruns, since the site is going on something of a hiatus for a couple of weeks. I’ve chosen what I feel are my favorite episodes (though I do love them all, these are special to me), so I hope you enjoy them, and we’ll see you in a few weeks when we return with a new podcast on 8/22! As always, if you have a question or comment, please drop them below, email us at <a href=""></a> or hit us up on <a href="">the forums</a>. Thanks for listening/watching!<br> <br> Show Notes<br> Games Mentioned<br> <br> * Minecraft<br> * Terraria<br> * Wing Commander: Privateer<br> * Everquest<br> * Star Citizen<br> <br>