LOTSL 247 Can I Put Pine Nuts In This?

lotsl show

Summary: <p>The regular <strong>Shit-Listers</strong> are joined by frequent guest<strong> <a href="http://www.pinkwheelnuts.com/">the Fey Driver</a></strong> for a brand new episode! For openers, Fey helps us understand the tragic lower-income apartment building fire in London. We discuss our own fire prevention habits or lack thereof. One important thing we learn is: <em>clean the lint out of your damn dryers vents!</em></p><br> <p><strong>Brenda</strong> has a new teeny tiny, itty-bitty dish-washer! <strong>Doc Stone</strong> explains how "social Fixer," an add-on for your socuial devices, has made his life Trump-free. <strong>ThatPeterG</strong> is king of all the latest social filters!</p><br> <p>We also discuss: how we like or dislike Twitter, the Philadelphia gay pride flag, political correctness, and Patriotism. We ask: if you could have been born in another country, where would you wished to have been born?</p><br> <p>Also: Health care in 'Merica. Diet and nutrition advice and how it is continuously debunked. Diet fads we have been sucked into.</p><br> <p>Finally, <strong>Toppie</strong> describes a catastophe he has witnessed!</p><br> <p>Call us at 949-41-LOTSL <strong>(949-415-6875)</strong></p><br> <p>Write us at <strong>Lifeontheshitlist@gmail.com</strong> </p>