3758 Failure At All Costs - Call In Show - July 19th, 2017

Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux show

Summary: Question 1: [1:41] - “Given we are, as we can easily observe, in a dying post-Christian era, where do you see the future of ethics coming from in order to maintain a functioning society? It is clear atheism is statistically aligned with leftism in all its cancers; however, I've noticed many in the New Right, Alt-Right and general Nationalist camps sympathize with Christianity as a means of saving the West. Do you find this remotely reasonable and, if so, do you ever consider we advocate for moral/biblical propaganda in order to keep those unable to retain the West without unproven dogma in check? Or, is that a means of control but in a positive way? Thoughts?”<br><br>Question 2: [25:50] - "I am starting a business with a friend of mine, and although we have high hopes, I worry about putting time, effort, and money into it only for it to flop. When do you know when it's time to stop? How do you know when it's the right time to give up and move on to something else?"<br><br>Question 3: [1:09:51] - “Since I was a kid I've been somewhat obsessed with the idea of finding a girlfriend. Throughout my teenage years, I had a problem with depression and putting women up on a pedestal and went though many years of women taking advantage of me emotionally because of this. I'm now in college and I've lost a good amount of weight, changed my style, and became much more confident with myself. My social skills have increased and I feel much more comfortable around women.”<br><br>“However, I still have not been in a relationship yet and my depression has turned itself into cynicism and anger. I'm not typically an angry guy, but seeing people around me in college act irresponsibly but be much more successful in their relationships makes me feel isolated and jealous. I don't consider myself desperate because I still have standards and morals that I don't want to go against, but I feel like being this angry and constantly comparing myself to others is unhealthy. What can I do to relieve myself of the anger and frustration I feel as a result of being unsuccessful in my pursuit of a relationship?”<br><br>Question 4: [2:06:45] - “One of the issues I have been wrestling with for years, both in my own mind and in discussion with others, has been the question of nationhood. What does it mean to be part of a nation? In other countries, the people identify as a nation based on a common race, a common culture, or a common language. In this sense, the nation is a kind of extended tribe. But in contrast, America is unique in its definition of nation. We broke from the country with which we shared a common race, a common language, and a common system of justice, and we defined our new nation in terms of unique shared values, experiences and our desire for independence, freedoms, and pursuit for our own happiness.”<br><br>“In current discussions of nations and borders, there is a drive for erasing national sovereignty and forcing culturally incompatible peoples to live in the same space. In contrast, under the American Constitution, the individual states are granted ‘states rights’ so that they can exercise different policies and approaches to solving diverse economic and social problems. Shouldn't people who share common beliefs and culture be allowed to attempt to define nations or sovereign states around primary identities? A nation for Christians, another for Muslims. One for Objectivists, another for Socialists, and yet another for welfare state capitalists. Should Ireland be re-united? Doesn't Israel have a right to exist primarily for the Jews? Why can't Germany be just for Germans?”<br><br>Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate