3743 The Argument from Genghis Khan? - Call In Show - July 12th, 2017

Freedomain with Stefan Molyneux show

Summary: Question 1: [2:01] – “Is it possible for Atheism to explain the existence of objective morality: subject-independent - things are right or wrong independently of whether anyone believes them to be so? How is your morality (Universally Preferable Behavior) objective - obligatory to all - for all people at all times? How would UPB apply to, say, Genghis Khan? It strikes me that UPB morality does not address the personal ethics internal to a single moral agent, only transactional ethics between a plurality of moral agents in most cases.”<br><br>Question 2: [42:53] – “At what point does female vanity become excessive and a red flag? My girlfriend is amazing, and as the Eastern European woman she is, she is not afraid of exhibiting her femininity. However, a few things about her worry me, and I am not sure whether they point towards something problematic, or if I am the one who just needs to get over it. For instance, she often wears lipstick of different colors, but for some reason I can’t stand lipstick. She also does a pose on pictures (instead of a smile), which brings out a dark feeling inside of me when I am in front of the camera with her. She also sometimes wears glasses without strength and smokes, which I strongly dislike. However, she is a wonderful human being who is family oriented, extremely loyal and self-secure. It is an absolute joy spending time with her. We live in different countries at the moment, and we have started to discuss how that could be solved, but I could really need your perspective on this. Am I right to worry about these things, or is it something I have to work on to get over?”<br><br>Question 3: [1:15:47] – “I was recently suspended from my university for a joke I made back in January with my fraternity brothers. I not only lost a full ride scholarship, but also any chance I had of getting into law school because of this. I understand why people adhere to PC culture passively, but why, when it is clear that it causes direct harm, do people (university staff, in my case) still act as though it is the moral high ground?”<br><br>Question 4: [2:14:16] – “I, like many of your listeners, have over the past couple of years really come to see the extent of lies and hypocrisy dished out to people, and especially to young people, by the mainstream media, government education, culture as a whole, and even parents. Growing up a sick child whose natural development was constantly interrupted and stalled, I was always told that whatever people did to dictate my life and raising was for my own good, the best they could do for me, yet they always, always put their own comfort first and I hardly had any ability to question or oppose their viewpoints. It was so much, in the end, more harmful than helpful. Why don't parents actually protect and be honest with their children?”<br><br>Question 5: [2:43:20] – “What is the ideal education system supposed to look like? What moral principles should it observe, how should it conform to the 21st century, and what general steps there are to be taken, particularly in the west to reform it? What is the most moral and effective education system that we can hope to create here in Europe?”<br><br>Your support is essential to Freedomain Radio, which is 100% funded by viewers like you. Please support the show by making a one time donation or signing up for a monthly recurring donation at: http://www.freedomainradio.com/donate