2 Trolls & a Brew – ep 91 “Monoblue”

MTGCast show

Summary: It's time again for another exciting episode of 2 Trolls & a Brew,  “Monoblue” sub title "GP Denver maybe?" watch the raw show on YouTube! This week is all about Hour of Eternity and things.... Baby Jace vs Bonded Fetch, fight! Return of the Goblin Dark Dweller And of course a rocking LifeGain deck for Remmie! Enjoy and Troll On! Important Social Stuff: Email: 2trollsbrew @ Gmail.com Twitter: @SamiusGurobo  @TurtlePower319 Twitch:www.Twitch.tv/SamiusGurobo Home Website: SamiusGurobo.com Find us on Podcast Garden Find us on : iTunes