MTG Pro Tutor – 220: GP Champion Jim Wilks Knows You Shouldn’t Get Too Smart

MTGCast show

Summary: Jim Wilks is an Australian grinder and the Captain of Team EXP. He’s made the Top 8 of World Magic Cup 2016 with Team Australia and is the Champion of Grand Prix Sydney 2017. Jim lives in Canberra, Australia. Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Jim Wilks when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here: First Set Onslaught Favorite Set Kamigawa Favorite Card Sphinx's Revelation Early Challenge The idea that he didn't have to win every tournament. this detached Jim from the results and led to more wins. Magic Milestones World Magic Qualifier-Jim made top 8 and realized he could play at higher level. Worst Magic Moment Grand Prix Sydney- Zendikar Sealed- Jim wins play a Blue/Red deck. He had a great position on the board and didn't think he could lose. He lost because he didn't think all the way through the turn. Don't get over confident. Proudest Magic Moment Top 8 World Magic Cup 2016, Jim felt very validated as a player. Also, winning a Grand Prix was huge for him. What Have You Learned From Magic Approach things objectively and don't tilt. Magic Mentors Dan Unwin, John-Paul Kelly, Ivan Schroder Deepest Thing You've Learned About Yourself Jim really values positivity. Biggest Mistake Players Make Players try to get too smart with their cards. Instead of playing smart they set up a complicated chain that's unnecessary. How to Effectively Prepare for a Big Event Team EXP had 7 Sealed Pools and rotated those among all the team to get fresh perspectives. Tournament Day Tips Snacks and water. Parting Guidance No matter how good you want to be, remember you're playing a game and you. Connect With Jim Wilks Twitter:@ForceOfWilks ‏ Check Out Magic Story Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community. Listen to Episode 1 here or on  THANK YOU!!!