MTG Pro Tutor – 221: Teresa Pho Qualified For the Pro Tour By Mastering Combat and the PPTQ System

MTGCast show

Summary: Teresa Pho is a data analyst who just qualified for her first Pro Tour by making top 4 of a Regional Pro Tour Qualifier. Teresa lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Teresa Pho when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here: First Set Avacyn Restored / M13 Favorite Set Khans of Tarkir Favorite Card Squee's Toy Early Challenge Catching up to the new rules. Damage not going on the stack. Magic Milestone Teresa won a Grand Prix Trial and got 2 byes for her first Grand Prix. Worst Magic Moment At GP Pittsburgh 2016, Teresa lost her win-and-in to day 2. Proudest Magic Moment Top 4 of an RPTQ and qualifying for the Pro tour. Making day 2 at GP Pittsburgh 2017. What Have You Learned From Magic Magic is a lot of strategies and resource management. That helps a ton at work. Tournament Day Tips Teresa takes Advil to relieve a headache at tournaments. Deepest Thing You've Learned About Yourself Teresa sees she's the type of person who is competitive and can dedicate time and energy to what she loves. Biggest Mistake Players Make Players are bad at combat. Look at the mana your opponent has up, think of what you've seen, cover how you think they'll block. How to Effectively Prepare for a Big Event Teresa studies the meta and decides the best build to go with. Then, she tweaks the sideboard for herself. Parting Guidance Watch coverage and really analyze what's going on. Magic Resource CFB Connect With Teresa Pho Twitter:@teresapho ‏ Check Out Magic Story Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community. Listen to Episode 1 here or on THANK YOU!!!