Frances Vidakovic, Sydney author and life coatch, speaks about her life in two homelands

Croatian show

Summary: An author, blogger and a life coatch Frances Vidakovic grew up in a Croatian family in Sydney, in a home that was her family's little piece of Croatia. At an early age she fell in love with her second homeland where she decided to spend several years in her early twenties. She explained for the SBS what it is like to have two homelands, what are the differences between the two and why she eventually chose Australia for her current home.   (Spisateljica, blogerica i životna trenerica Frances Vidaković odrasla je u hrvatskoj obitelji u Sydneyju, u domu koji se može nazvati malom hrvatskom oazom. Još kao djevojčica zaljubila se u svoju drugu domovinu, gdje je odlučila provesti nekoliko godina u svojim ranim dvadesetima. Za SBS Frances je ispričala kako je to imati dvije domovine, po čemu se one razlikuju i zašto je na kraju ipak za svoj trenutačni dom odabrala Australiju. )