Scott Brown - A model ambassador

RNZ: Saturday Morning show

Summary: Scott Brown is the new US Ambassador to New Zealand. Originally trained as a lawyer, during his student years Brown developed a career as a part-time model, and in 1982, won Cosmopolitan magazine's "America's Sexiest Man" contest. He received his law degree at Boston College Law School and built a successful career as an attorney, before switching to public office in 1992. Concurrently he served in the Massachusetts and Maryland National Guard, retiring as a Colonel after 35 years of service. In 2010, Brown won a special election and served in the U.S Senate for three years, during which time he had a reputation for bipartisanship. Having succeeded Democrat Ted Kennedy 2010, he was eventually defeated by Democrat Elizabeth Warren in the 2012 general election. After retiring from politics, he took up private practice and work with FOX News channel, where he was known for his conservative views on social issues. After endorsing Donald Trump during the presidential primaries, he was picked to replace outgoing US ambassador to New Zealand, Mark Gilbert, in January 2017.