Lux Radio Theater – Cardinal Richelieu. 390123.

Retro Radio Podcast show

Summary: Features George Arliss, and Caesar Romero. France in the early years of the 17th century, and the reign of Louie 13th is the setting for the drama. Facing civil war, enemies of the king refuses a petition to listen to Cardinal Richelieu, a political figure that the king sees as his friend. Can war be prevented? Will the Cardinal’s plan diffuse political tensions? <br> Where religion and politics collide, which will win out? Using an age old ploy, a marriage might be arranged to blend political powers for a united front for the people. <br> Get ready for a mix of romance, and power struggle. Will it result in a murder to gain the upperhand? Consult your history books to find out, or just listen in to the tangled drama. Will the nation be spared from war when the top powers collide? <br>