"We Asked Australia To Send More Military Advisors": Iraqi MP

SBS Arabic24 show

Summary: Iraqi MP Farah Al Saraj, on visit to Australia, lauded the role played by Australian military advisers in Iraq and asked to send more Australian trainers there. Al Saraj, an exclusive interview with SBS Arabic24, says that the Iraqi troops trai... (???????? ???????????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???? ?????????? ???????????????? ???????????????????? ?????????????? ???????????????? ???? ???????????? ?????????? ???????????????? ?????? ????????????. ?????? ???????????? ?????????? ???? ?????????? ???? ???? ???? ????????24 ???????? ???????????? ?????????? ?????????? ???? ?????????????? ???????????????????? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ???????????????? ???????????? ???????????????? ???? ???????? ?????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????????? ?????? ????????????. )