Women In Purple

SBS Arabic24 show

Summary: Dianella Health have been supporting a small group of Assyrian/Chaldean women in sharing leadership, communication and social support skills to new arrivals from Syria and Iraq. Under the name Nissaa Al-Banafsage, (meaning the women in purple - a colour culturally associated with healing), the group relay information and personal experience about the health system, public transport, housing, food security and respectful relationships to help them better transition to living in Hume. ("نساء البنفسج" أو ما يعرف بWomen in Purple مبادرة أطلقتها منظمة Daniella في محاولة منها لإذكاء الوعي بشأن العنف المنزلي المتفشي ما بين القادمين الجدد من سوريا والعراق والقضاء عليه.  )