East Midtown Rezoning

The Brian Lehrer Show show

Summary: <p><a class="guestlink" href="/people/alicia-glen/">Alicia Glen,</a> <a href="http://www1.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/alicia-glen.page" target="_blank">Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development</a>, and <a class="guestlink" href="/people/daniel-garodnick/">Daniel Garodnick</a>, New York City Council Member <a href="https://council.nyc.gov/district-4/" target="_blank">representing the 4th District</a>, talk about the East Midtown rezoning plan. </p> <p>In regards to environmental concerns, Deputy Mayor Glen says "Midtown was designed to be a skyscraper district...buildings built under this plan will be built to the highest standards." </p>