
The Hustle Show: Entrepreneurs with No Filter show

Summary: Entrepreneur Christian Arriola shares why he started The Hustle Show This message is for all fellow entrepreneurs and wantpreneurs: a few days ago I had another amazing chat with my fiance about our future, and I had one of the biggest "aha" moments in my life... Ironically, it came right after my amazing solo adventure to San Francisco, which was my original intention on making this trip. I came to realize that we all have this stupid idea that entrepreneurship is glamorous, easy, private jets, fancy cars, and big houses... We've all seen the overnight success story of hundreds of entrepreneurs. It got to the point where we are seeing these stories in movies and Netflix shows! Of course they're pretty nice things to own, but they're definitely not a necessity on your journey to true happiness. I finally understood why some people say money is not happiness I cant believe how blind I was! I can see it now, they were all right! I don't care how much money you make, it WILL NEVER buy your REAL HAPPINESS. True happiness comes from inner piece, loving yourself, and accepting every inch of you. This happiness is the one that drives you and motivates you to a new level of yourself. However, even me after 19 years of entrepreneurship I still doubt of myself, I have good days, but I have many more horrible days. I feel stressed 23hrs a day, every day. Sometimes I can easily loose my motivation, focus, and sometimes I swear I feel ready to quit and get a regular job. My "aha" moment Which brings me back to my “aha” moment… Of course I’m not the first entrepreneur on this planet, neither will I be the last. But I thought: If I go through rough patches and have all these crazy emotions that spins my world around, I can't be the only one suffering through this journey, Right? After finally figuring out what I love doing and what makes me happy, I decided to start a new chapter in my journey. I think is time for me to share experiences and give back to MY entrepreneurial community. The best way to do it, is through starting my own Youtube Show: The Hustle Show. On The Hustle Show I will feature passionate entrepreneurs, interview them and share all the hustle and hard moments they went through (or are still going through) on their journey to success. I want to use failures and struggle stories to change your mindset, to get you moving, to get your ASS to ACT on ideas, and to comprehend that entrepreneurship is as HARD as FUCK, yet is the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. You are not alone in your journey, I'm here for you! Maybe you already have a mentor and guidance on your journey, but I know how hard it is to find one when you’re starting out and when you need it the most. Entrepreneurship is like going to the gym: if you try doing it on your own, you’ll loose hope, traction, and you won’t get to where you want. You need somebody to be pushing you against your will, to ask for 10 more even after you’re done, and to get you back on your feet on those difficult days. My vision is to be able to help thousands of fellow entrepreneurs to not loose hope and not to quit, by getting you stories of real people that went through what you’re going through. If this resonate to you or you have a hustle story to share, be my guest! And join this new movement: The Hustle Show. Christian Arriola