C2C Strengths Spotlight w Robert Scoble

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Summary: We will spotlight Robert’s strengths and learn how he uses them in his various roles as a technical evangelist for Rackspace. He is a friend of Clifton StrengthsFinder, and you can find his Top 5 posted publicly on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/RobertScoble/posts/510317608997749 Called to Coach is a Gallup Strengths Center live video event that allows current and prospective coaches to interact with strengths coaches who have found success in strengths-based development. Strengths Spotlights are live interviews that Gallup conducts with Individuals, teams or organizations around the world who are using the Clifton Strengths Finder and it's 34 themes to impact their community and organizations by developing people, maximizing potential and achieving success. Learn more about becoming a Certified Strengths Coach at the Gallup Strengths Center: https://www.gallupstrengthscenter.com/?utm_source=weblinkstogsc&utm_medium=youtubechannel&utm_campaign=coachingblog