C2C Strengths Spotlight - ESF Overview

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Summary: Entrepreneurs play a critical role in economic growth and development. One of the most important contributions entrepreneurs make is creating prosperity -- for themselves, their companies, their employees, and their cities. They create prosperity by using their talents to turn an idea into a customer. Gallup has studied great entrepreneurs to understand how they start, sustain, and grow successful companies. This research helped Gallup define the 10 talents of highly successful entrepreneurs. Building on the foundation of the Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment, Gallup designed the Entrepreneurial StrengthsFinder assessment to help people discover and develop their business-building talents. Learn more about becoming a Certified Strengths Coach at the Gallup Strengths Center: https://www.gallupstrengthscenter.com/?utm_source=weblinkstogsc&utm_medium=youtubechannel&utm_campaign=coachingblog Called to Coach is a Gallup Strengths Center live video event that allows current and prospective coaches to interact with strengths coaches who have found success in strengths-based development. To attend future Called to Coach sessions visit http://gallup.eventbrite.com.