Sound of Play: 39 – The videogame music podcast

The Sound of Play videogame music podcast show

Summary: What we aim to bring you with Sound of Play is a diverse sample of our favourite pieces from the many air-punching, spine-tingling, tear-jerking and grin-inducing videogame soundtracks we've heard over the years. However, it’s not just about what we like, so if you venture over to our forum at you can put forward your favourites and we’ll start to include a selection in the playlist for each show.<br> <br> This show's presenters were: Leon Cox (@ratsoalbion) and Chris Spann (@cs87)<br> <br> with community contributions from Owen Grogan, MagicianArcana, mikeleddy83, and skidoosh<br> <br> Track listing for this show is as follows:<br> <br> Track 1: UN Owen Was Her (Flandre’s Theme) by Shanhai Arisu Gengakudan - Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, 2002<br> Track 2: Hakutai Forest (Eterna Forest) by Hitomi Sato - Pokémon Diamond/Pearl, 2006<br> Track 3: Resurrection by COIL/Tomohiro Harada - Gitaroo Man, 2001<br> Track 4: Intro by Jeff van Dyck - FIFA International Soccer, 1994<br> Track 5: Main Theme by Jukio "Kozilek" Kallio - Luftrausers, 2014<br> Track 6: Return by Hitoshi Sakimoto - Radiant Silvergun, 1998<br> Track 7: You Like by Gareth Noyce - TxK, 2014<br> Track 8: Gehrman, The First Hunter by Tsukasa Saitoh - Bloodborne, 2015<br> Track 9: Fly Me to the Moon by Bart Howard (composer), Helena Noguerra (vocal) - Bayonetta, 2009<br> <br> Sound of Play: 39 was edited by Jay Taylor (@JaySevenZero).