Filling the Developer Skills Gap, with Abby Kearns and James Governor (Ep. 46)

Pivotal Podcasts show

Summary: We don't have enough people, and the people we have don't have the right skills. That's a gasp oft heard during the machinations of digital transformation. To investigate this sentiment, the Cloud Foundry Foundation recently fielded a survey to probe into both sentiment around developer skills and how organizations are addressing it. The findings were actually optimistic, but there's still work to be done. In this episode, we dig into this survey and what the findings mean for how IT departments need rethink their approach to training and hiring. To do so, we invited Abby Kearns and James Governor. Abby is the Executive Director of the Cloud Foundry Foundation who did the survey. James is one of the founders of the analyst firm RedMonk. See full show notes: