Dino Helps Us Figure out What to Do With Legacy Applications (Ep. 50)

Pivotal Podcasts show

Summary: Once you have your shiny new Pivotal Cloud Foundry instance installed, it's time to start selecting new applications to build and existing applications to migrate. Many of this second bucket will be "legacy" applications that aren't immediately compatible with the cloud native approach. Dino Cicciarelli and his team work with Pivotal customers to navigate through this process. We talk about the common process, roadblocks, and mental shifts people go through to be successful. One of the chief thought-technologies deployed is to start working on real, actual applications rather than inflicting a long process of analysis paralysis on yourself. We also cover a sampling of recent news: Visual Studio and Cloud Foundry, patent troll protection in Azure, and Snap's whopping spend on public cloud. See full show notes at http://pivotal.io/podcasts