Put an End to It: Managing Finite Microservices Tasks (Ep. 17)

Pivotal Podcasts show

Summary: When you think about microservices, you probably think of open-ended services supporting user facing applications like Netflix or Uber. These services must be "always-on." There's no finish line. Some call these streaming services. But not all microservices fall into this category. Some microservices are finite - they have a beginning and a definitive end. Microservices supporting batch data integration jobs fall into this category. So do those supporting database migrations. These microservices shut down after the job is accomplished. Finite microservices like these have their own set of development and deployment requirements and challenges that set them apart from streaming microservices. In this episode of Pivotal Insights, host Jeff Kelly speaks with Michael Minella, project lead for Spring Cloud Task at Pivotal. The two discuss what differentiates finite microservices from their streaming counterparts, identify the unique challenges associated with developing and deploying them, and offers tips for overcoming these challenges with Spring Cloud Task.