Maturing Your Microservices Applications with CQRS (Ep. 19)

Pivotal Podcasts show

Summary: Microservices provide a number of benefits to developers and, ultimately, end-users of applications supported by microservices architectures. These include the ability to scale and develop each microservice independently, which enables increased release velocity. But microservices also introduce a number of challenges that developers need to address, especially if they are developing mission-critical transactional applications. Among these challenges is maintaining data consistency across a set of microservices. Enter command query responsibility segregation, or CQRS. In this episode of Pivotal Insights, host Jeff Kelly dives into the topic of CQRS with Pivotal's own Kenny Bastani. Kenny, a Spring developer advocate, lays out the challenges CQRS helps microservices developers overcome, provides advice for implementing CQRS, and discusses the complexities that CQRS itself introduces to microservices applications.