Taming Data Movement Complexity (Ep. 22)

Pivotal Podcasts show

Summary: There are a number of capabilities developers need in order to be successful. One of them is easy and fast access to data. Today more than ever, applications rely on both large scale and high-velocity data pipelines to support key features and capabilities. But with so many applications and microservices requiring data, things can get pretty complex pretty quickly. There needs to be a way to tame this complexity so developers can do their best work. In this week's episode of Pivotal Insights, hosts Jeff Kelly and Dormain Drewitz speak with Shawn McAllister, CTO at Solace Systems. Solace is a provider of open data movement solutions and a Pivotal partner. The three discuss some of the challenges developers face building data pipelines and messaging queues in cloud-native environments, highlight some speccific use cases like data movement for IoT applications, and explore how developers can leverage Solace on Pivotal Cloud Foundry.