Rethinking Application Security in A Cloud-Native World (Ep. 28)

Pivotal Podcasts show

Summary: Etsy is best known as the online marketplace where you can sell your homemade mittens and vintage ankle bracelets. But did you know it's also the place where a lot of modern application security techniques were born? The founders of Signal Sciences, a Pivotal partner and leading web application security provider, got their start managing security for Etsy's cloud-native applications. Their methods proved so effective and popular on the speaking circuit, they decided to start a company. In a world where code is pushed to production weekly or even daily and cloud infrastructure is ephemeral, old notions like weeks long security reviews and hardware-based security solutions are quickly becoming obsolete. In this episode of Pivotal Insights, Jeff and Dormain speak with Tyler Shields, Vice President of Marketing, Partnerships and Strategy at Signal Sciences, about the inherent challenges of securing cloud-native applications and the new approaches being pioneered by Signal Sciences and others.