62: How Much Are You Worth?

Always A Lesson's Empowering Educators Podcast show

Summary: Teachers and those that lead them need to take stock of their efforts- are they givers or takers? Are they selfish or selfless? This episode will help you find out where you land on the worth scale and brainstorm ways to increase your worth to not only reach your potential but help others reach theirs as well.<br> <br> Quotables:<br> <br> People are always watching<br> A true leader continues to give even when not rewarded.<br> Teacher leaders are selfless not selfish.<br> We need to take time to pause and evaluate our worth to those that we lead so that we can continue to have a positive impact.<br> <br> Connect with Gretchen<br> <br> Email: gretchen@alwaysalesson.com<br> Blog: Always A Lesson <br> Facebook: Always A Lesson <br> Twitter: @gschultek  <br> Linkedin: Gretchen Schultek Bridgers <br> Google+: Gretchen Schultek Bridgers  <br> Book: Elementary EDUC 101: What They Didn't Teach You in College <br> <br>  <br> Leave a Rating and Review<br> https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-lessons-empowering/id1006433135?mt=2<br> Why?<br> <br> This helps my show remain active in order to continue to help other educators remain empowered in a career that has a long lasting effect on our future.<br> <br> How?<br> <br> Search for my show in iTunes or Stitcher.<br> Click on ‘Ratings and Reviews.’<br> Under ‘Customer Reviews,’ click on “Write a Review.”<br> Sign in with your iTunes or Stitcher log-in info<br> Leave a Rating: Tap the greyed out stars (5 being the best)<br> Leave a Review: Type in a Title and Description of your thoughts on my podcast <br> Click ‘Send’<br> <br>