79: Put Down Your Wallet and TEACH!

Always A Lesson's Empowering Educators Podcast show

Summary: Being a teacher is about inspiring students to be their best by equipping them with the skills necessary to do so instead of buying stuff for them or a lesson that has little to no educational impact. The pressure to have a “pinterest-worthy” classroom and “Instagram- worthy” exciting lesson is taking our focus away from what we are supposed to be doing in the classroom each and every day. Tune in to hear how to still be a fun teacher and have a stunning classroom without going broke doing it.<br> <br> Quotables<br> <br> That [behavior] sends a message that “stuff” is more important than learning and its not<br> Keep our focus on kids instead of falling victim to our wallet<br> If you spend all of your time buying stuff you are missing out on the whole point of your job<br> You have experience working with kids so use that to your advantage to be the best at your job instead of leading the educational experience with THINGS.<br> Keep it simple and make the thinking in the lesson extraordinary<br> The more our kids get used to stuff the more they think they need it<br> Moderation moderation moderation<br> <br> Connect with Gretchen<br> <br> Email: gretchen@alwaysalesson.com<br> Blog: Always A Lesson <br> Facebook: Always A Lesson <br> Twitter: @gschultek  <br> Linkedin: Gretchen Schultek Bridgers <br> Google+: Gretchen Schultek Bridgers  <br> Book: Elementary EDUC 101: What They Didn't Teach You in College <br> <br>  <br> Leave a Rating and Review<br> https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/always-lessons-empowering/id1006433135?mt=2<br> Why?<br> <br> This helps my show remain active in order to continue to help other educators remain empowered in a career that has a long lasting effect on our future.<br> <br> How?<br> <br> Search for my show in iTunes or Stitcher.<br> Click on ‘Ratings and Reviews.’<br> Under ‘Customer Reviews,’ click on “Write a Review.”<br> Sign in with your iTunes or Stitcher log-in info<br> Leave a Rating: Tap the greyed out stars (5 being the best)<br> Leave a Review: Type in a Title and Description of your thoughts on my podcast <br> Click ‘Send’