Idiocracy (feat. Adrian Falcone, Internet Nerd) : Episode 26 - decipher SciFi : the show about how and why

decipher SciFi : the show about how and why show

Summary: Stream the movie:<br><br> <a href=";mt=6" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">iTunes<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a> | <a href=";qid=1455940992&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=idiocracy&amp;tag=decsci05-20" target="_blank" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">Amazon<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br><br> Get the DVD:<br><br> <a href=";qid=1455940992&amp;sr=8-2&amp;keywords=idiocracy&amp;tag=decsci05-20" target="_blank" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">Amazon<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br> Idiocracy<br> What: Luke Wilson finds himself in the future, where humanity has grown lazy and stupid. Then, satire happens. Or so I’m told.<br><br> Directed by: Mike Judge<br><br> Starring: Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, Dax Shepard, Terry Crews<br> Featuring guest co-host<br><br> <a href=""></a><br><br> Adrian Falcone (<a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">@AdrianBFalcone<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a>), internet nerd<br> Recommended and Related Media<br> <br> The Genius of Idiocracy by David Fear<br><br> Well, here is the argument for the prescience of the film.<br><br> Read it on <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">Rolling Stone<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br> Idiocracy Is a Cruel Movie and You Should Be Ashamed for Liking It by Matt Novak<br><br> This takes to extremes a number of things about the movie that Christopher didn’t appreciate. Maybe a bit over the top, but representing the other side.<br><br> Read it on <a href="" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">Paleofuture<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br> The Design of Everyday things<br><br> We all really really like this book. One or two of us might call it life changing. It provides the language and ideas to explain a lot of the human-created environment.<br><br> Read it with your eyes <a href=";at=1001l7hP" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">iTunes<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a> | <a href=";qid=1455942653&amp;sr=8-1&amp;tag=decsci05-20" target="_blank" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">Amazon<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br><br> Read it with your ears <a href=";mt=3" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">iTunes<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br> Show Notes<br> Movie Production Issues<br> Lack of studio support. Poor audience test results. VERY small number of screens. Somehow, a cult hit after release.<br> Why Do People Love This Movie?<br> Has internet cult hit status. Why? Appealing to elitism and cynicism? Fart jokes? Love it or hate it.<br> Christopher Has a Problem With This Movie<br> It feels mean, basically. Also the extrapolations it makes are unreasonable as far as I’m concerned.<br> Dumbing Down Society<br> Network covered similar ground in the 1970s.<br> Whose Fault is this Situation?<br> The yuppies for not reproducing more? The “dumb” people? The system? Corporatism, selfishness, etc?<br> Human Evolution<br> Defining terms because people use them in the wrong way too often. How humanity actually evolves. Dysgenics. Why the movie is wrong.<br> Bad Things<br> “Crab mentality.”<br> <br> Self absorption. Laziness. Selfishness. Willful ignorance. Materialism.<br> Design for Idiots<br> Actually there are some interesting examples here. Simplification of UI. “Idiot-proofing.” Automation.<br> How Do We Avoid This Future?<br> Each host gives their plan to save the world. Governor Adrian implements the mushroom marshmallow test. You’ll have to listen to find out!<br> <br> Goodbyes<br> Lead, follow, or get out of the way.<br> Feedback? Please Contact Us<br> <a href="" target="_blank">contact@decipherscifi.</a>