Man of Steel (Superman) : Episode 33 - decipher SciFi : the show about how and why

decipher SciFi : the show about how and why show

Summary: Stream the movie:<br><br> <a href=";mt=6" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">iTunes<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a> | <a href=";qid=1459822435&amp;sr=8-1&amp;keywords=man+of+steel&amp;tag=decsci05-20" target="_blank" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">Amazon<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br> Man of Steel<br> What: Superman comes to terms with who he is, defends earth from a genocidal maniac.<br><br> Directed by: Zack Snyder<br><br> Starring: Henry Cavill, Michael Shannon, Amy Adams, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Christopher Meloni<br> Recommended and Related Media<br> <br> Christopher Reeve Superman<br><br> The classics. Reeve was so charming.<br><br> Superman (1978) <a href=";mt=6" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">iTunes<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a> | <a href=";qid=1459868343&amp;sr=8-2&amp;keywords=superman&amp;tag=decsci05-20" target="_blank" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">Amazon<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br> The Fleisher 1940s Superman Cartoons<br><br> These fixtures from my youth had really great style. They may look familiar, because their animation inspired the truly wondeful Batman: The Animated Series.<br><br> This one was my favorite as a kid<br> Watch them all on <a href=";index=7&amp;list=PLhGipfv0juZWw5lM_NyhY1n32UXVSn37Q" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">Youtube<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br> All Star Superman<br><br> This short series/graphic novel is a modern adaptation of the golden age Superman. Recommended by our co-host from <a href="">episode 28</a>, comic creator <a href="">Miles Greb</a> as a really good way to get into Superman.<br><br> Get the thing <a href=";at=1001l7hP" target="_new" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">iTunes<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a> | <a href=";qid=&amp;sr=&amp;tag=decsci05-20" target="_blank" rel="nofollow external noopener noreferrer" class="ext-link wpel-icon-right">Amazon<span class="wpel-icon wpel-image wpel-icon-3"></span></a><br> Show Notes<br> Krypton is Imploding<br> No refuge! Except for all the different refuge options. Harvesting the planet’s core something something oh no it’s collapsing!<br> Zod is the Good Guy<br> On Krypton at least. Sure, he sounded a little bit like Hitler, but look what happened when they didn’t listen to him – no more Krypton! And then<br> Kryptonian Prison Rehab<br> They seem to put some serious resources into their criminal rehab system that barely gets used. Mundane black hole tech. Dildo butt plug space ships.<br> The Codex and the Genesis Chamber<br> Kal first natural birth in centuries. Clearly Kryptonians were multistellar once upon a time. Wonder what happened.<br> Super Awakening<br> Lessons in how not to handle a kid having a panic attack. Humans actually do pretty well adapting to new sensory input. Clark’s compensation and self control.<br> Yellow Sun Superpowers<br> Disagreement over the exact function of Kryptonian power armor and the nature of the yellow sun/superpower relationship.<br> Simulated Consciousness<br> Russel Crowe hologram simulation. So the Kryptonians reached the singularity basically, but don’t seem to be impressed enough.<br> Defeating Zod<br> Super strength, super neck bones, super despondent military leaders with nothing to protect.<br> Goodbyes<br> A good death is its own reward<br> He acquitted himself well<br> Feedback? Please Contact Us<br> <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br> Amazon and iTunes links include our affiliate codes. If you wouldn’t mind helping us out a tiny bit, go ahead and use them to buy/stream something. Thanks!