Rimma Nehme on CosmosDB, Planet-Scale Applications, and Selling Door-to-Door

Data Driven show

Summary: In this episode, Frank and Andy talk with Rimma Nehma about CosmosDB, Planet-Scale applications, and how she got started in Data.<br> Links<br> Posts by Rimma Nehme<br> CosmosDB.com<br> @rimmanehme<br> @AzureCosmosDB<br> Sponsor: Enterprise Data &amp; Analytics - We are here to help.<br> Sponsor: Audible.com - Get a free audio book when you sign up for a free trial!<br> Notable Quotes<br> Submitting to the PASS Summit 2017 (1:10)<br> Blues Brothers movie reference (3:50)<br> Data needs to be Everywhere (11:00)<br> Planet scale (16:00)<br> Spiderman reference - from Rimma! (17:30)<br> Is this science fiction? (24:24)<br> Battle-tested. (25:30)<br> Open-source software analytics (27:30)<br> The CosmosDB simulator (32:44)<br> A little startup inside Microsoft (35:30)<br> Rimma found query optimization really, really boring. (37:45)<br> On family... (40:45)<br> CosmosDB is truly out of this world. (48:00)<br> On reading... (42:00)<br> Selling door-to-door (44:45)