3 Ameya Pawar / Robin Dusek

Indivisible Chicago Podcast show

Summary: Tom returns from a hiking trip where he was disconnected to the internet and gets updated on Comey in America and May in the UK. We talk about the Indivisible Illinois project Signs for Sellouts, which aims to put up billboards in the districts of Illinois’ reps who voted for the fiasco of a Republican health care bill. Constituents will be reminded that they were sold out for the sake of loyalty to Trump and the GOP. Go here to donate today: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/signsforsellouts We recorded this week’s interview with Alderman and gubernatorial candidate Ameya Pawar the day the Pritzker FBI tapes were reported, and we got his reaction. He also told us how he would keep people from fleeing Illinois, how he’d increase revenue, and why he doesn’t really care about who’s an insider and who’s an outsider. Here’s the story about how Ameya Pawar won the election for Alderman in the 47th Ward. https://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/ameya-pawar-city-council-election/Content?oid=3349408 We also chat with Indivisible member Robin Dusek about the Witness Slip Project and how this fairly simple thing can have a serious impact on legislation.