Episode Nineteen: A Conversation with Jaime Coyne of St Martin's/Macmillan

The Manuscript Academy show

Summary: We talk with editor Jaime Coyne, of St. Martin's Press/Macmillan, about the joys and stresses of being and editor who also writes--or did also write--or now speculates about how many editors and agents secretly write. Meanwhile, plenty of tips on how Jessica imagines that going (catastrophically) with social fallout (and awkward run-ins at corner stores in yoga pants after having been editorially torn apart). Back in the real world, we discuss how different edits can lead you to the same place (yes, really! Sometimes editor A's suggestion X and editor B's suggestion Y can get you to the same draft Z), why that's true--and why you shouldn't idealize editorial life. Plus, of course, filming day--which Jaime attended, jackhammers and all. This episode was edited by the amazing Parley Cook.