The Nation's Blind Podcast: Episode 16 - June 2017

The Nation's Blind Podcast show

Summary: Episode title: Episode 16 – It’s Convention Time Show notes: It’s June, which means national convention is just around the corner! Anil and Melissa talk about all the prep that goes into convention, and Melissa invites everyone to stop by the Presidential Suite during convention. In Talking About Our Federation, Anil and special guest Dick Davis talk about all the plans the NFB Employment Committee has scheduled for the convention, including the NFB National Job Fair. Dick also offers some advice for job seekers. Chris is joined by Shawn Calloway for our In the News segment. Shawn is the chair of our convention Host Committee, so he has some special insights for everyone attending the 2017 convention. Finally, Anil talks to President Riccobono about his hopes and dreams for the convention and the importance of the convention for the Federation and our work.   Convention information: Convention agenda: 2017 convention hashtag: #NFB17 Rhythm of the Movement: Feedback: (410) 659-9314, extension 2444, or at Twitter and Instagram: @NFB_voice Facebook: National Federation of the Blind