Session 3: The American Mind, Part 2

Podcasts – Teaching American History show

Summary: Focus The political logic of the argument of the Declaration, continued: Further reflections on the course of human events, people, the laws of nature and of nature’s God, decent respect for the opinions of mankind, self evident truths, equality, rights, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, consent, prudence, the ends of government, the right to abolish government and institute new government, facts submitted to a candid world, sacred honor, and more.   Readings Kurland and Lerner, The Founders’ Constitution Chapter 1, Document 1: Continental Congress, Declarations and Resolves (October 14, 1774) Chapter 14, Document 10: Thomas Jefferson, A Summary View of the Rights of British America (July, 1774) Chapter 3, Document 5: Alexander Hamilton, The Farmer Refuted (February 23, 1775) Chapter 4, Document 4: Thomas Paine, Common Sense (January 10, 1776) Chapter 1, Document 3: Virginia Declaration of Rights (June 12, 1776) Chapter 1, Document 6: Massachusetts Constitution: Preamble and Part the First. A Declaration of the Rights of the Inhabitants of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts (March 2, 1780) Chapter 15, Document 18: Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Debates in Congress (July 2-4, 1776) The post Session 3: The American Mind, Part 2 appeared first on Teaching American History.