Session 15: Lincoln Confronts Stephen Douglas’s Popular Sovereignty

Podcasts – Teaching American History show

Summary: Focus What does Stephen Douglas mean by "popular sovereignty"? Why does Lincoln view the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 as a reversal of American policy towards domestic slavery? How does "indifference" about the spread of slavery amount to "covert real zeal" for its spread? How does Lincoln justify previous national compromises with slavery? What is Lincoln's definition of self-government and how does it inform his political rhetoric and policy proposals? What is Lincoln's definition of democracy? What role does Lincoln think the Declaration of Independence plays in contemporary political practice? Why does Lincoln advise against a Republican call for repeal of the fugitive slave law? What connection does Lincoln make between liberty, union, and the Constitution?   Readings Stephen A. Douglas, "Homecoming Speech at Chicago" (July 9, 1858) Fornieri, The Language of Liberty Eulogy on Henry Clay (July 6, 1852) Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854) Fragment: On Slavery [August 1, 1858?] Fragment: On Slavery [October 1, 1858?] Fragment: Notes for Speeches [October 1, 1858?] Letter to Henry L. Pierce and others (April 6, 1859) Letter to Jesse W. Fell (December 20, 1859) Fragment: The Constitution, the Declaration, and the Union [1860?] Letters to Salmon Portland Chase (June 9, 1859& June 20, 1859) Supplemental/Optional Readings Jaffa, Crisis of the House Divided, Epigrams, p. 15, and chaps. 3, 4 McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, chap. 6 The post Session 15: Lincoln Confronts Stephen Douglas’s Popular Sovereignty appeared first on Teaching American History.