Session 16: Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858

Podcasts – Teaching American History show

Summary: Focus Contrast Lincoln's understanding of the relation between public opinion and political rule with that of Stephen Douglas. What does Douglas mean by "diversity" and how does he use it to attack Lincoln's alleged doctrine of "uniformity"? Why does Douglas think Lincoln is wrong to criticize the Dred Scott opinion? How does Lincoln answer Douglas's charges? What does Lincoln mean by the "moral lights" of the community? In the second debate, how does Lincoln force Douglas into a quandary regarding popular sovereignty and support for the Dred Scott opinion? (See Douglas's argument about "unfriendly legislation.") In the seventh debate, what is Lincoln's understanding of the Founders' views regarding slavery? How does Lincoln show that the rhetoric of Douglas makes him a kind of abolitionist in practice?   Readings Fornieri, The Language of Liberty A House Divided (June 16, 1858) The Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858), 1st, 2nd, and 7th Debates Supplemental/Optional Readings: Fornieri, The Language of Liberty Speech in Reply to Douglas at Chicago (July 10, 1858) Speech in Reply to Douglas at Springfield (July 17, 1858) The Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858), Background, 251-61 The Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858), 3rd through 6th Debates The post Session 16: Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858 appeared first on Teaching American History.