Session 18: The Rights and Wrongs of Secession

Podcasts – Teaching American History show

Summary: Focus What reasons did Southern secession commissioners give for seceding from the Union? What reasons did Alexander Stephens give in defense of the Southern Confederacy?   Readings Charles B. Dew, "Apostles of Secession," North and South, IV (April 2001) John C. Calhoun, "Slavery as a Positive Good" (February 6, 1837) R.B. Rhett and C.G. Memminger, "The Justifying Causes of Secession" Alexander Stephens, Cornerstone Speech Lincoln, "Proclamation Calling Militia and Convening Congress," (April 15, 1861) Constitution of the Confederate States of America Lincoln, "Letter to Reverdy Jackson" (April 24, 1861) Lincoln, "Letter to Winfield Scott" (April 25, 1861) Fornieri, The Language of Liberty Annual Message to Congress (December 3, 1861), Excerpt Supplemental/Optional Readings McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom, chap. 8 Mackubin Thomas Owens, "The Case Against Secession" The post Session 18: The Rights and Wrongs of Secession appeared first on Teaching American History.