Session 19: Lincoln’s Election, Secession, and the Civil War

Podcasts – Teaching American History show

Summary: Focus As Lincoln recounts the early history of the federal government, what authority did it exercise over slavery? What problems do southerners have with the Republican Party, and how does Lincoln respond to their charges? Why does Lincoln claim that the southern disposition during the 1860 election year was to "rule or ruin in all events"? What is his advice to Republicans as they face opposition over the slavery controversy? In his address to the New Jersey Senate, why does Lincoln call the American citizenry God's "almost chosen people"? What is Lincoln's declared agenda as the incoming president? Why does he think secession unjustified and illegitimate? What is Lincoln's view of the authority of the Supreme Court? What does Lincoln mean by "the better angels of our nature"? How does Lincoln think the country can avoid civil war?   Readings Fornieri, The Language of Liberty Address at Cooper Institute (Feb. 27, 1860) Letter to George Ashmun (May 23, 1860) Farewell Address to N.J. Senate (Feb. 21, 1861) Address in Independence Hall, Philadelphia (Feb. 22, 1861) First Inaugural Address (March 4, 1861) James Buchanan, State of the Union Address (Dec. 1860) Letter to Alexander H. Stephens (Dec. 22, 1860) Farewell Speech at Springfield (Feb. 11, 1861) The post Session 19: Lincoln’s Election, Secession, and the Civil War appeared first on Teaching American History.