Mike Mascelli Talks Upholstery: Furniture & Automobile – 360w360 E.238

360 with 360 WoodWorking Podcast show

Summary: <a href="https://360woodworking.com/app/uploads/2017/06/Blog_Image_238.jpg"></a>In this episode of 360 with 360WoodWorking, professional upholsterer Mike Mascelli talks about similarities and differences between furniture and car upholstery – you may be surprised to learn that timelines for changes do not run parallel. Plus, he pulls back the curtain on upholstery found in today’s furniture. Scary!<br> Join 360 Woodworking every Thursday for a lively discussion on everything from tools to techniques to wood selection (and more). Glen talks with various guests about all things woodworking and some things that are slightly off topic. But the conversation is always information packed and lots of fun.<br> If you have topics you’d like covered in future episodes, click <a href="mailto:360@360woodworking.com">here</a> to send 360woodworking an email.<br> Coil or Zig Zag Springs?<br> Mike began his upholstery career in the world of automobiles. Along the way, he crossed over to furniture, too. He’s developed a great understanding of the transition of upholstery, and is quick to point out traditional work versus what has come about since the end of World War II, which is the transition point for automobile upholstery. Surprisingly, the mass exodus from coil springs to zig zag  springs in furniture didn’t happen for another decade or so. And your eyes will surely open when you here what constitutes acceptable upholstery today.<br> If you haven’t joined 360WoodWorking already, <a href="http://360woodworking.com?add-to-cart=18263">click here</a> to get even more great woodworking information. You can even give the gift of woodworking knowledge to someone you know, by <a href="http://360woodworking.com?add-to-cart=18263">clicking here</a>.<br>