THR 6/10/17: Comey Testifies on His Tense Interactions with Trump

Townhall Review | Conservative Commentary On Today's News show

Summary: Michael Medved looks in depth at the recent terror attacks in London. Walid Phares, advisor on terrorism to both the Romney and Trump presidential campaigns, joined the Mike Gallagher show. Also, Medved analyzes former FBI Director James Comey’s written testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee on his interactions with President Trump. Mike Gallagher speaks with’s Ed Morrissey on the credibility problem for James Comey. Gallagher then turns to Marc Morano, founder of to discuss America pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord. Hugh Hewitt talks with Senator Mike Lee about his new book, “Written out of History.” Dennis Prager and Michael Oren, author and former Israel Ambassador to the U.S, honor the 50th anniversary of Israel’s miraculous victory in the Six Day War.