The 2 Ways People Get Rich & How to Read People Instantly

Something You Should Know show

Summary: Ever have that feeling that you’re being watched? Or stared at? Do humans really have the ability to know if someone is watching them? We’ll explore that. Also, there are two ways to get rich - assuming you don’t inherit the money. Lewis Schiff, Executive Director of The Business Owners Council and author of the book Business Brilliant: Surprising Lessons from the Greatest Self-Made Business Icons ( has spent a lot of time studying wealthy people and he offers some great insight into how any of us can use these same practices. Plus, there are a lot of kitchen practices people believe are helpful that just - aren’t. For example, olive oil shouldn’t be used for frying because it has a low smoke point. That is something that is widely believed – but totally false, when tested. And there are other kitchen myths I’ll discuss. And learning to read people when you meet them can help you connect better, both in business as well as socially. Paul Tieger, author of The Art of Speed Reading People ( gives some practical ways for you to get a better sense of people when you meet them so you can relate better.